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十三 上下文

书籍名:《译海一粟:汉英翻译九百例》    作者:庄绎传
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The voice was very low, yet familiar. But when I looked up, there was no one in sight. I stood up and looked towards the door, and there, facing the threshold, beneath the counter, sat Kung I-chi. His face was haggard and lean, and he looked in a terrible condition. He had on a ragged lined jacket, and was sitting cross-legged on a mat which was attached to his shoulders by a straw rope. When he saw me, he repeated:

"Warm a bowl of wine."

At this point my employer leaned over the counter and said: "Is that Kung I-chi? You still owe nineteen coppers!”

"That… I'll settle next time," replied Kung, looking up disconsolately. "Here's ready money; the wine must be good."

此例原文后半段说“掌柜也伸出头去”,译文是my employer leaned over the counter。为什么不译作popped his head,不是更准确吗?这就要到上文去找答案了。前面有这样一句:I stood up and looked towards the door, and there, facing the threshold, beneath the counter, sat Kung I-chi.原来孔乙己坐的位置是beneath the counter,掌柜要跟他说话,leaned over the counter就顺理成章了。



Could Marx predict that the October Revolution would take place in backward Russia? Could Lenin foresee that the Chinese revolutionaries would win by encircling the cities from the countryside? Then, the question was how to make revolution. But the same is true when the question is how to build up a country. After a successful revolution each country must build socialism according to its own conditions. (285)

此例原文第三句“革命是这样,建设也是这样。”这句话高度概括,可以说言简意赅。若照字面译作That was revolution,或Revolution was like that, 行吗?不行啊,接不上啊。前面两个问句是在探讨革命道路的问题,因此,这里译文引进question 一词,真是再自然不过了。可是这个question不是指前面两个问句,而是指讨论的实质。



Our purpose in calling this forum on work in science and education is primarily to hear your opinions and learn from you. Such learning is a must when non-professionals lead professionals. (61)

原文第二句是一个独立的句子,强调“要学才行”。第一句末尾说“向大家学习”,因此,二者在意思上是有联系的,只是没有在文字上表现出来。译文第二句用了such learning, 这就把两句的关系表现得淋漓尽致。



We should stop placing restrictions on talented people and provide them with opportunities for rapid growth. With increasing numbers of skilled personnel, we can have high hopes for our cause. We have to find ways to provide such opportunities. People in all fields of endeavour, including those in enterprises, should try to solve this problem. (28)

原文第一句说“要开一条路出来”,这是一种形象性的说法,并不是真要修路。译文没有保留这一形象,而是以直白的方式,译作provide them with opportunities。后面原文出现类似的话,译文也用了类似的话,前后呼应。值得注意的是such一词又一次成了联系上下文的纽带。



We should make it clear to the rest of the world that nobody can alter the principles, policies and strategies we have worked out. Why? Because experience has shown that they are sound and effective. … We know from our own experience that our generation will not change the policies; nor will the next generation or the next few after that. (90-91)

原文说“我们这一代不能变”,译文是our generation will not change the policies, 比原文多了the policies。为什么要加?因为前面说了,nobody can alter the principles, policies and strategies we have worked out。英译最不喜欢重复,为什么原文没有重复,译文却要重复?无论从译法上来看,还是从意思来看,都非重复不可。如不重复,就是在说我们自己变不变,这就不符合原文的意思了。此外,第一句中“世界”一词译作the rest of the world,这是谨严的译法,值得注意。



Why do some people always insist that the market is capitalist and only planning is socialist? Actually they are both means of developing the productive forces. So long as they serve that purpose, we should make use of them. If they serve socialism they are socialist; if they serve capitalism they are capitalist. (203)

原文第二句说计划和市场“都是方法”,译文却是they are both means of developing the productive forces。这是因为英语如果只说they are both means,句子煞不住,好像没完。既是means, 总要有个目的,最好一口气说出来。因此才加了of developing the productive forces。怎么知道就应该加这几个词呢?原文第三句说“只要对发展生产力有好处”,可见是发展生产力的。这样一来,第三句怎么译?要不要重复?不要,可以另想办法。译文用了serve that purpose 取而代之。你看,这替代之法是不是还蛮有用啊?



It is our policy to let some people and some regions prosper before others, so that they can bring along the backward regions. The advanced regions have the obligation to help the backward. We keep to the socialist road in order to attain the ultimate goal of common prosperity, but it is impossible for all regions to develop at the same pace. (158)

原文最后提到“平均发展”,显然不是average或equal之类的字眼所能表达的意思。看一看上文,有prosper before others,还有the ultimate goal 等词语,看来是说有先有后,而不是同时到达,所以译作to develop at the same pace。



Now that the Western European countries are beset with economic difficulties, we should lose no time in seeking their cooperation, so as to speed up our technological transformation. We should do the same with the East European countries, because some of their techniques are more advanced than ours and some of ours are needed by them. (43)

原文第二句说“也有文章可做”。这可以说是一个成语,是一种形象性的说法,和写文章无关。如果照字面直译,反而会费解。这就不如放弃形象,采用直白的说法,译为do the same。这样译,在这里是可以的,因为前后说的都是技术合作。换到别的上下文里, 就不一定能这样译了。



I want to talk about the question of considering the general interest. By the general interest I mean our national development .(104)

原文第一句提到“顾全大局”,第二句对“大局”略作解释,译文用了By… I mean…这一句式,这是很好的。另外,两句话都以I 作主语,有助于译文的流畅。



Bocheng had strong Party spirit. This was especially evident in the way he always subordinated his own interests to the general interests. To meet the needs of the whole, he never hesitated to sacrifice the interests of the part. He always asked to take on the hardest and most dangerous tasks and carried them out by surmounting all difficulties. (185-186)

这段话整段都是述说刘伯承同志的坚强党性。译文将第一句的前半句分出来独立成句:Bocheng had strong Party spirit.用以引领全段,恰好取得了上述的效果。另外,译者调整了一下词语的顺序,把his own interests 和the general interests 放在一起,把the needs of the whole 和the interests of the part 放在一起。这样重新组合以后,译文显得格外整齐、流畅。



Suddenly I had the strange sensation that his dusty retreating figure had in that instant grown larger. Indeed, the further he walked the larger he loomed, until I had to look up to him. At the same time he seemed gradually to be exerting a pressure on me which threatened to overpower the small self hidden under my fur-lined gown. (1956版)

Suddenly I had a strange feeling. His dusty, retreating figure seemed larger at that instant. Indeed, the further he walked the larger he loomed, until I had to look up to him. At the same time he seemed gradually to be exerting a pressure on me, which threatened to overpower the small self under my fur-lined gown. (1960版)

此例与上一例有异曲同工之妙。此例有两个译文。第一个译文I had the strange sensation that…。这样, sensation就只管到that引导的从句结束为止。第二次发表时,原译者将译文改为I had a strange feeling,并在此断句。这便增强了这第一句话的分量,使它能够统领全段。其实,第一句话中所说的“异样的感觉”,其最深刻之处正是全段末尾所说的感受。因此译文让第一句统领全段是十分恰当的。



Why were the negotiations on the Hong Kong question a success? Not because of any special feats on the part of our negotiators but chiefly because of the rapid progress our country has been making in recent years—it has been thriving and growing powerful and has proved trustworthy. We mean what we say and we keep our word. (92)

译文第二句是一个省略句。英语because或because of一般不用来引导独立的句子,但在疑问句后面可以这样用。既然有这种简洁的说法,又何必一定要用完整的句子呢?



According to the latest statistics, gross industrial and agricultural output in 1982 increased by 8 per cent, greatly exceeding the originally planned figure of 4 per cent—something that had not happened in the previous two years. (32)

此例原文是两句话,第二句里的“这种情况" 指的就是前面一句所说的内容。译文用了一个破折号,就把两句合在一起了。第二句的后半句和前半句的意思是一样的,不必重复,自然就可以略去不译了。



This raises a question: What will come of achieving a much higher growth rate than projected in the annual plan? We must investigate and study this question right away and analyse it correctly. (32)

译文一开始就用this作主语,概括了上面所说的话。在question 后面用冒号引出下面的问题,简单明了,否则要加and that is,既不醒目,也显得啰唆。问题中,译文用了higher,也比分别表述高低简练许多。



However, this doesn't mean we should alter our Sixth Five-year Plan. Long-term plans should be more flexible, while annual plans should be more specific, though of course they should have some flexibility too. We should pay attention to improving economic efficiency, instead of just going after increases in the value and quantity of output. (32)

此例将一句译成三句。第一句也用this作主语,概括前面说过的话。第二句译文加了while和though两个连词,不加是不行的。第三句后半句译文用了instead of,这就突出了前半句的分量。



Experience shows that whenever our plans have been too ambitious, we have overreached ourselves. This has been a bitter lesson for us. We are already aware of this mistake and will continue to guard against it in future. (32)

此例也将一句译成三句。句中提到“历史经验”,我马上想到一九五八年的事。experience 总是讲过去的事,一九五八年也不算离得太远,大概就是这个原因,译文没有用historical一词。“冒了”,这里理解为冒进,硬要去做做不到的事情,因此译作overreached ourselves。第二句译文也用this 归纳上文,把“深刻的”“教训”译为a bitter lesson。既然如此,第三句译文把“这方面的问题”译作this mistake,也就不为过了。

以上四例本是连续的一段话,译文用了三个this,环环相扣,把这些话联系在一起。这也许不是译者有意为之。若纯属偶然,就更显得this 的威力不容小觑。



Some people in rural areas and cities should be allowed to get rich before others. It is only fair that people who work hard should prosper. (33)

译文没有以“农村、城市”为主语,而将其放在状语的位置,另以some people为主语,谓语用被动语态,这样下面的文章就好做了。 译文第二句仍以people为主语。



To let some people and some regions become prosperous first is a new policy that is supported by everyone. It is better than the old one. (33)

前一个例子的译文最后用了prosper,这句译文便接着用become prosperous。另外,此例第一次提到new policy之后,下面便不再重复,而用it替代了。



In agriculture, I favour the system of contracted responsibility for larger tracts of land. This system should be adopted more widely. (33)

“农业”并不是真正的施动者,因此译文将其放在状语位置。“承包大户”需要解释,因此译作the system of contracted responsibility for larger tracts of land。接下去便加了this system为主语。另外“放”也不是开放的意思,这里理解为放手实行,因此译作should be adopted more widely。




Keming: Now, Elder Sister-in-law, the decision is up to you. But you have to make it in the next few days.

此例所谓“送”,指的是高家将把丫头鸣凤送给冯家,但尚未最后决定,因此译文说the decision is up to you。第一句既已用了decision一词,第二句就只用代词it,而不重复了。



Phoenix: I am not afraid. I am not afraid at all.


Grace: That's the way to take it.

婉儿知道鸣凤要被送人,劝她不要害怕,接着就发生了上面的对话。“这就对了。”我们可能译作That's right. 或That's it. 但上面鸣凤的话是一种表态,表明她对将她送人一事的态度,因此,That's the way to take it. 是很恰当的。



Juexin: Third Uncle was here. He wants us to be on the alert. The armies of Marshal Zhang in the city are restive.


Juehui: That's what I understood. Should we do something?

此例第一句说“军队不稳”,意思是军队要乱,要入户抢劫。因此,“要想个办法”既不是think of a method,也不是find a way out。要立刻采取行动以保安全,译作do something是对的。



Juexin: The old man and his woman will sit in the center.


Jade: With the son and his wife on this side.


Juexin: The daughter and her husband on this!




Juexin: I don't know when we will see each other again.

梅芬: 嗯。

Plum: No.



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