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时间:2023-04-12 06:14:47

英文目录、摘要及关键词一文创作于:2023-04-12 06:14:47,全文字数:22789。


ough theoretical and practical innovation, and put forward the strategic goal of “Marxist party exercising long-term governance we should develop”, in order to strengthen the political direction of the Party’s long-term governance, consolidate the ideological basis of the Party’s long-term governance, and consolidate the organizational basis of the Party’s long-term governance In the rich practice of improving the system of the Party’s long-term governance, we explored and answered the major questions of our times of “what kind of Marxist party exercising long-term governance we should develop, as well as how we should go about achieving these tasks”, and accumulated valuable experience in strengthening the Party’s long-term governance capacity. To strengthen the Party’s long-term governance capacity, we must fully draw on the past successful experience,take into account the real changes in the governance environment, work tirelessly under the guidance of Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, focus on the central task of the CPC, reinforce the Party’s political foundations firstly, and adhere to multiple measures.

〔Keywords〕New Era;CPC; Long term governance capacity building; Governing law


WEN Feng’an LUO Ya-Jie38

〔Abstract〕The thought of common prosperity of a cultural country with a history of five thousand years runs through the development of our country, and the thought of great harmony and equality and the traditional concept of justice and benefit run through the development of our society for thousands of years. It has become the cultural enlightenment and cultural support proposed by the concept of common prosperity of our country, and is a vivid manifestation of the Communist Party of China’s mission of seeking development for the Chinese people. The great construction and achievements made by the Communist Party of China over the past hundred years are the best inheritance of the outstanding traditional cultural genes such as Great Harmony, Equality, Justice and Benefit in China’s traditional culture. In the future, common prosperity is not only the goal of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation, but also the ideal vision of all mankind for a better life.

〔Keywords〕Common wealth; the Communist Party of China Chinese excellent traditional culture; gene of culture


WANG Yi-Juan YU Liang-Zao48

〔Abstract〕After the victory of the October Revolution, Lenin and the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik) made efforts to carry out the practice of self-revolution within the party. The contents mainly include: admitting that the party had committed the mistake of “revolutionary empty talk” on the issue of whether to sign the Peace of Brest; admitting that the debate




