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时间:2023-04-12 06:14:47

英文目录、摘要及关键词一文创作于:2023-04-12 06:14:47,全文字数:22789。


n the role of trade unions within the Party is a “luxurious act” that delays the development of the party’s career, and a harmful act that generates factional activities within the party and destroys the unity of the Party organization; admitting that the Party was guilty of adopting “wartime communism” measures during the civil war; admitting that the Communists were seriously not good at leading the economy during the New Economic Policy period. He led the Party in a serious struggle against these mistakes and demanded that the Party quickly overcome its existing problems. The above practices of Lenin and the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik) reflect the spirit of self-revolution of the ruling Communist Party. At the same time Lenin expounded important thoughts on the significance of the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik) to admit its own mistakes and to have the courage to self-revolution. Lenin’s practice and thought of self-revolution of the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik) have important enlightenment significance to strengthen the construction of the Communist Party of China in the new era.

〔Keywords〕Self-revolution;Lenin;Socialism;Party building


YU Chong-Sheng58

〔Abstract〕The representativeness of deputies to the People’s Congress is the essential attribute of them. Whose deputies to the People’s Congress are, in performing their duties and whose interests they represent, or for whom they speak, is the core issue of the representativeness of NPC deputies. To understand and grasp the representativeness of People’s Congress, this study is mainly carried out from legal provisions and actual performance of duties. According to relevant laws and regulations, deputies to people’s congresses are both deputies to all the people, deputies to electoral districts or electoral units, and members of organs of state power. Judging from their actual performance of their duties, People’s Congress deputies should speak up for both the interests of the people and the interests of the voters and, more importantly, for the public interest. To give full play to the representative role of deputies to people’s congresses, we need to raise their awareness of their roles, improve their ability to perform their duties, strengthen voter oversight of their deputies, and improve their code of conduct.

〔Keywords〕People’s Congress system; deputies to the People’s Congress; representativeness


YANG Yin-Yin JIA Shu-Pin67

〔Abstract〕The harmonious coexistence of man and nature is an inherent requirement for the modernization of ecological governance, and is also one of the essential characteristics of Chinese modernization path. Looking back at the history of human civilization, science and technology




