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时间:2023-04-12 06:14:47

英文目录、摘要及关键词一文创作于:2023-04-12 06:14:47,全文字数:22789。


s a bureaucratic government with a unified decree composed of specialized functional agencies. Therefore, the government operation guarantee must change the fragmented mode of self-responsibility of each agency, and then concentrate its powers in the office affairs management department to form an integrated system with equal standards. Centralized and unified management can help increase efficiency, improve quality, and reduce costs, as well as eliminate welfare inequality within the government and curb corruption. However, centralized and unified management also has boundaries—it is limited to internal administrative affairs or back-office administrative affairs and is applicable to general affairs rather than special affairs. In addition, the principle of unity of power and responsibility must be adhered to. If there is a problem, the office affairs management department should bear the corresponding responsibility. The modernization process leading to the centralized and unified management of government operation guarantees is not a smooth road, it requires the party’s overall control and attention, as well as the scientific, rational and orderly promotion of reforms, with high-quality and efficient economy as the evaluation standard.

〔Keywords〕Government operation guarantee; Modernization;Centralized and unified management;Government office affairs;The Leadership of CPC.



