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时间:2023-08-16 04:28:22

“核知识管理”研究与实践综述一文创作于:2023-08-16 04:28:22,全文字数:38837。



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Review of Research and Practice of “Nuclear Knowledge Management”

Ma Mingqing1, 2

1Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology, Beijing 100029

2CAEA Innovation Center for Geological Disposal of High Level Radioactive Waste, Beijing 100029

Abstract: [Purpose/Significance] Under the background of aging workforce, insufficient human resource, and loss of nuclear knowledge in the nuclear industry, the current development situation of nuclear knowledge management at home and abroad are analyzed to provide important basis for domestic nuclear organizations to carry out nuclear knowledge management research and practice. [Method/Process] Carried out systematical investigation on domestic and foreign research and practice in the field of nuclear knowledge management in terms of strategy, implementation and human resource management and technology of knowledge management, summarized its technology and experience, clarified the necessity for n




