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时间:2023-08-16 03:52:45

战后日本对能源安全的认识逻辑:兼论俄乌冲突中的能源认识一文创作于:2023-08-16 03:52:45,全文字数:44004。



[19]??g??I省.GX ?g?に向けた基本方?[EB/OL].(2023-02-10)[2023-03-17].https://www.meti.go.jp/press/2022/02/20230210002/20230210002_1.pdf.


[责任编辑 王雅坤]

The Cognitive Logic of Energy Security in Post-War Japan: Also on the Energy Cognition During the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

YIN Xiaoliang1, LI Tianyi2

(1.Institute of Japan Studies, Nankai University, Tianjin, 300071;2.Zhou Enlai School of Government, Nankai University, Tianjin, 300035, China)

Abstract: ?0?2“Energy cognition” is a precondition for the formulation and implementation of energy policies, while energy policies are the product of “energy cognition”. In post-war Japan, cognition of energy security has undergone a structural transformation from a “single view” to a “comprehensive view”. In terms of connotation, it has undergone a process of “coal security concept” - “oil security concept” - “3E security concept” - “3E+S security concept”. Both the “coal security concept” and the “oil security concept” are based on a single energy source, which featured the “increment-orientedness” in policy design and practice. In the early 1990s, Japan deepened its cognition by adding “economic efficiency” and “environmental” to the single “energy security”. However, the 311 earthquake and the Fukushima nuclear accident revealed the shortcomings of the “3E security concept” . In response, Japan added “safety“ and upgraded it to the “3E+S security concept”, which balanced security with stability, efficiency and environmental protection. After the Russia-Ukraine conflict, there are emerging changes of the cognition of energy security in Japan,such as from a defensive approach to energy risks to active participation in global energy security governance, and a combination of the goals in “ex-Russia” and “ex-carbon”.

Key words: Japan; oil; Russia-Ukraine conflict; energy; security concept




① 相关成果可参见:1.松井?一.エネルギ??獒?0年の?试^[M].?|京:?力新?笊纾?995;2.??I学会.?獒崛毡井b?I史[M].?|京:?|洋??g新?笊纾?995;3.日本エネルギ???g研究所.?獒幞ē庭毳?`??I史[M].?|京:?|洋??g新?笊纾?986.

② 能源安全观属于认识范畴,能源政策属于行动范畴,行动是认识的结果,认识是行动的基础。



